Lara Croft GO

Lara Croft GO is a turn based puzzle-adventure set in a long-forgotten world. Explore the ruins of an ancient civilization, discover well-kept secrets and face deadly challenges as you uncover the myth of the Queen of Venom.

• Experience lush visuals and a captivating soundtrack
• Navigate using simple swipe-to-move controls
• Fight menacing enemies, overcome dangerous obstacles and escape deadly traps
• Solve more than 101 puzzles split into 6 chapters
• Collect ancient relics and unlock new outfits for Lara

Following the award-winning Hitman GO, Square Enix Montréal brings yet another beloved franchise to mobile with this unique take on the iconic heroine's adventures.

*** 最佳手機╱手持遊戲獎 - The Game Awards 2015 ***
《Lara Croft GO》是一款回合制益智冒險遊戲,場景設在一個久經遺忘的神秘國度。探索古文明遺跡、發掘隱藏的秘密,面對生死一線間的挑戰,揭露猛毒女王神話的神秘面紗。

•謎題超過 101 關,分為 6 章

Square Enix Montréal 團隊又一力作,將經典女主角的冒險以獨特面貌搬上行動裝置平台。


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