The Mordis

Once upon a time there were some cute little creatures living in peace and joy. They were sweeter than candy and therefore beloved to all. One day, evil Mr. Sugar caught them all and brought them to his hideout, his mind thinking sinister thoughts as he hummed “Cotton candy, cotton candy…” But four of the little creatures managed to escape by hiding in the depths of the forest. Now they want to save their friends, and this is where they need your help.

Help four courageous Mordis find their way back to their captured friends and bring them to safety!

“The Mordis” is a puzzle game where you overcome obstacles and solve tests that pop up in a fun and intuitive way. Use your wit to make your own path with the tools available. Use fewer tools, save time, and avoid getting killed to score more points:

- Multiple tools and solutions to each scenario
- Beautiful graphics and 4 amazing worlds to discover: Grassland, Desert, Arctic, and Volcano.
- 28 different HUGE levels
- 4 different, funny Mordis characters
- Avoid hazards and dynamic obstacles!
- Stunning effects: explosions, snow & sand storms...
- Realistic physics
- HD & MD versions

The Mordis
幫助四位勇敢的 Mordis 找回被俘夥伴藏匿處的道路,並幫助他們脫離危險!
“The Mordis” 是一款益智遊戲,你需要在遊戲過程中克服障礙,以有趣、直觀的方式解決遇到的考驗。運用你的聰明才智,憑藉可用的工具開闢自己的道路。使用較少的工具,節省時間,避免被殺死,以取得更多得分:
- 每個場景均有多個工具和解決方案
- 精美的畫面和 4 個迷人的世界等你來探索: 草原、沙漠、極地和火山。
- 28 道不同的大關卡
- 4 個有趣而各異的 Mordis 角色
- 避開危險和活動的障礙物!
- 絕妙的效果: 爆炸、雪暴和沙暴…
- 逼真的物理效果
- 高清版本和普清版本

